Thanks for taking the time to look through my work, this is just a quick note for you to get to know me a little more, I was born and raised in the North East of Scotland, Aberdeen to be precise and was married to Lynne who is sadly no longer with us, but we shared over 38 wonderful years together and we have a wonderful daughter called Sarah.
I first got into photography when I was about 21 years old when a chance came along to manage the photography department of an offshore diving company called, Sub Sea Offshore, my work involved setting up darkrooms and kitting them out with all the equipment needed for developing film and printing, and sending technicians to go out and do the work, I also had to go myself but did not have very good sea legs.
I then decided to leave after a few years to go to London and see if I could get employment working as an assistant to a photographer, that was more difficult than I thought, but I gave it a good try and it lasted for about 18 months and during that time I learned a lot from some of the biggest names around at the time, the photographers who I assisted where,
Sanders Nicolson, James Wedge, Jeany Savage and John Thornton R.I.P.
I loved my time working for all of them and had a great time, assisting was tough but I learned a lot from it but wanted the opportunity to really develop my own projects so began shooting for myself', that is how I got into my photography. I have always used Nikon gear and still do to this day, I hope you enjoy looking through my site and if you get the time let me know what you think